Here is the playlist of the #ORLU Impact.

Here is the playlist for the 2024 School of Ministry.

IMPACT September 2024

We have been at it going on two years and we're led to crown it by blessing the original recipients who trusted us to be a blessing to them. The video is available on the playlist above. They are a mixture of widows and married couples. 

Praise God.

The businesses of the able will be helped and the welfare of the elderly will be helped with this blessing.

Some hawk vegetables, fry yam, trash collector, and act as middle man for business card print operation.

We are grateful. #twatsm

IMPACT August 2024

We are excited to welcome 3 babies in the ministry. We are grateful to God for the safe delivery of all the babies and quick and sound recovery of all mothers. Keep our babies in prayer. We are grateful.

IMPACT July 2024

We mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. We mourn with one of our own who lost someone very dear and send our love and support as we stand in love with them at this time.

We celebrate 3 pregnancies within this fellowship that God has seen fit to bless us with. He is faithful indeed.

We were able to evangelize this month for the precious souls yet to know our Jesus.

It is a season to build for us. Increase in capacity and stamina with God, it is for your own good.

IMPACT June 2024

We were able to provide for eight underprivileged families this month, round up the School of Ministry and offer counseling where needed. We are grateful to be a blessing.

IMPACT May 2024

We were able to double the help for the widows this month, as resources were made available and as led. Seeing the impact we had on one of the underprivileged who went on to be with the Lord was a reminder that if we can be willing and obedient, His timely will will come to pass wherever He needs it and He will be glorified. So, let your light so shine before men.

As opportunity allows, we alternate months between the widows and underprivileged families, this is a bigger blessing for more families than we have been able to impact when we first started giving quarterly. We started at 8 families and added 8 widows.

We go out of our way to meet (close the alternating gap for) Mama Ezinne every month “as resources and leading are made available” due to her health. She is on a restricted diet and that can be very expensive.

We are well underway to finish out the School of Ministry. A training ground for biblical and ministerial teachings and wisdom. We are privileged to have several anointings with proven ministries, fruit producing fruit that abides, and solid character come through to pour into us. We are grateful. We will round up this free opportunity in June and pray that the will of God will be stronger, blossom and more exploits and nearness to God will be part of the many results of this seed to the body of Christ.

IMPACT April and correspondence to praying and giving partners.

Shalom Shalom. Thanks for your partnership. We have been able to be consistent with resources to the poor and to the widowed in #ORLU as instructed, making impact in the lives of many needy families. When inflation went up, resources went up, it wasn’t the plan, but we bless God for the opportunity and available funds for this at the time. One of the widows we were privileged to bless last month has gone on to be with the Lord and we are grateful to have impacted her life positively. We asked for your resources before, in this correspondence, we also ask for your prayers for those she left behind. Also pray for us that we continue strong, and no matter the challenges in #ORLU, we are able to fulfill the Word of God in our care. The School of Ministry will be rounded up in June, we are blessed to impact those who will impact generations. We were able to increase overhead for one family who engages in business by selling prepared food. We were able to buy a new pot to encourage and bless her business. We encourage the work of her hands. This is a little update on the blessings in our hands. Thank you for your prayers at this time, your giving is also greatly appreciated.

IMPACT February 2024

We have sent out all giving statements.

Form 990 N has been filed.

Our School of Ministry classes are underway. We have students from Texas, Florida, and South Africa.

We are gathering information from the 8 widowed families we are privileged to serve. We are looking to establish them by the instruction of God. Keep us in prayer for this endeavor. He who said it is faithful to do it. Six of the widows are able bodied and able to operate a business, while two of them are not mobile or physically able to operate a business, as they are well advanced in age, at their season of rest and will remain with us. Some of these widows have children to care for.

We are looking to establish and release them to their established businesses this year.

It is that time of year for school fees to be paid for the children we serve. We are expectant of that request and trusting God to honor their expectation.

IMPACT January 2024

We were able to support 7 widows and one less privileged family this month. We are grateful for the opportunity.

We are under new instructions that have evolved from the initial stages of what we have been able to accomplish by His grace and will.

Word and focus for 2024

This is our year of Restoration as we Align in God.

Isaiah‬ ‭58:6‭-‬9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ [6] “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? [7] Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? [8] Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. [9] Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ “If you take away the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,

Shalom, in the midst of all we are called to do, we have this two fold vision for “#ORLU #widows” and #teaching #Mentoring, that widows and those we are privileged to teach will be equipped to a level that will push them past any barrier to take practical steps to destiny, and the will and pleasure of God for their lives to the glory of He who lives forever and ever. Amen.

For ORLU, it is a year of Establishment. The Lord who said it will also do it.

Ephesians‬ ‭4:11‭-‬24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ [11] And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, [12] for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, [13] till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; [14] that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, [15] but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— [16] from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. [17] This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, [18] having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; [19] who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. [20] But you have not so learned Christ, [21] if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: [22] that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, [23] and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, [24] and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

Shalom, we have a vision to equip for ministry in 2024. We have a school of Ministry starting in January to fulfil this mandate. It is free and to the glory of God.

Each teaching is for 2 hours, starting at 8.30am CST via zoom.

January 13. Alignment.

January 20. Finances and Resources.

February 3rd Process

February 10th Calling

March 2nd, Spiritual growth and maturity

March 9th The Great commission.

April 6th Consecration and Balance.

April 13th Ministry according to God.

May 4th Appointment and Ordination.

May 11th Personal and Ministerial Identity.

June 1st Relationship principles and Association.

June 8th Offense, Betrayal, and Defilement

Please notify anyone who would be blessed by these teachings to apply.. #Twatsm Be blessed

IMPACT December 2023

We were able to reach out to the widows in December again as we were pausing for the year in November. Mama Ezinne is not helped by the amount of staple foods we offer. She needs healthier food for her age and health per the items being considered on the Doctors report. We support her needed diet going forward.

She recovered quickly from illness and we are blessed to be a financial blessing for the medical bill and providing a nurse to go o her location since she was too ill to be mobile. Mama Ezinne is a total sweetheart and it is heartwarming to see her smile again.

The Lord who said it will also do it. The bill for the instruction for the June retreat is fully paid this month.

IMPACT November 2023

On the first week of November, we were blessed to support the widows with money to avoid the dangers of moving around much in the area we assist.

We had an end of year casual dinner, aka, we ordered in and fellowshipped, taught with demonstration of the Spirit, and prayed together. A meal to round it all up was special. We will meet again next week for a thanksgiving lunch to close out the year due to holiday travels.

In December, we will look to meet online to be merciful to holiday plans. It will be a time of prayer, and a reset for the new year.

IMPACT October 2023

We were able to support 4 new families children with school fees due to an urgency that we will not be continuing with due to – there is no instruction to. Photos coming soon

We were able to purchase a Shure Blx4/Sm58 microphone system for a missionary in Africa and are grateful to directly impact the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this way. Photos coming soon

We were able to bless eight widows, the same widows we have been sustaining by the grace of God with staple food like Rice, Beans, Garri, Crayfish and Canned tomatoes as the last food gift for the end of the year. Video here


IMPACT September 2023

A season to stand.

We have been in a time of discipling, engrossed in teaching and prayers.

We were able to feed and give in kind to eight widows in ORLU. We are grateful. Please see the video here:

One of the students we supported has graduated high school, and we are grateful to have been a part of that journey.

We were looking to support the same children at the end of the year, but we were able to support 4, this was due to many of the families leaving the city due to many hardships.

What we don’t write here is how the recipients explain how they had not eaten till we reached out and their personal struggles. Some walk to receive food due to not having enough to afford transportation. You hear some of this in the videos.

We are grateful to be obedient to the heart of God in this area.

We were able to purchase and bless a young entrepreneur with a mannequin head to practice her skill. We are grateful.

Happy Birthday Sis Crystal:

IMPACT August 2023

We were able to minister to Anchorage Alaska via a tag along with Sold out Conference. We are humbled to have reached so many and to be used and useful in Gods hands. Here are some photos here:

We were in attendance at the Friday Fires conference and teaching with Apostle Tobi and Tomi Arayomi, and Sharon Stone. There was a word from God, take a look:

Our very own Minister Crystal Eseyin graduated from Ascend Academy, school of Ministry, and we were live in GA for it. Glory be to God. Here is her walk on stage:

We have started our discipleship classes. It went off well on the first week of August and we are thrilled to pour out freely what we have received freely. The videos are free on the youtube recording playlist here:

We sent out partnership letters to those who are familiar with our ministry. We covet your prayers for this. If you did not receive one and would like one, please email us at with the subject line- PARTNER

We were able to feed eight little to no income families in #ORLU which is a local government area of many cities, kind of like a county or province. Please see our You tube page for the ORLU playlist

One of the recipients brought a gift to us- Plantains from his farm. It was a well appreciated heartfelt gesture. We are grateful.

IMPACT July 2023

We were able to attend a What eyes have not seen conference in Pittsburg PA for teaching and a refreshing from the Fathers in the faith. Check out photos here:

In ministry, it is also important to have an inlet here and there outside of your self study and devotion time.

We were able to feed eight widowed families. Mothers and children were sustained with edible resources this month and we were able to capture the prayer portion of the gathering here. Take a look at the raw footage here. #ORLU:

Mama has been with us for a while now, we had to know her name its Ezinne.

It is a continuous encouragement and blessing to us to see joy on the faces of those who have lost so much. In Africa, it is a strong thing financially to lose a husband and or father, and we know their plight by personal experience.

IMPACT June 2023

We had a blast ministering physical and spiritual wellbeing to a group of 12 individuals, we also had children added to this number.

We were able to rent a home for the group by the beach front where we were in great proximity for 7 baptisms that you can watch here:

We had a short evening prayer turn into a prayer stretch when the presence of God filled the room and we were all blessed.

Take a look at this testimony of one of the attendees here:, and this playlist of raw footage from the weekend.

This was a major undertaking for the year and we covet your prayers for finances to cover the cost.

IMPACT May 2023

This month we have been busy with prayer, Word, the community, families and widows.

We were able to buy a motorcycle for a minister of the gospel who ran his own motorcycle down with errands for the community. Direct impact cannot be trivialized and so we need all hands that are on deck- up and running.

We were able to go directly to several schools hours away and miles across to pay school fees for

Visit our YouTube page @the word and the Spirit Ministries to see #ORLU #IMPACT

More updates to come

IMPACT April 2023

Hallelujah, the School of the Spirit is accomplished by His grace.

1st Quarter 2023

General updates while on retreat:

We have kept you in prayer weekly

We have helped in the community with resumes, interview and career advice

We have fed the hungry

We have shared the gospel

We have sought the Lord

We have heard from the Lord

We are moving in The Lords direction

The School of the Spirit will be coming to a close soon due to completing the assignment and accomplishing purpose by His strength and grace.

We have been in intercession and released some prayer directions as we were led.

We are reaching out to feed the widows in ORLU before the end of the month.

We are grateful to be useful.

We love and appreciate you

Pray, learn and grow this season***

IMPACT March 14, 2023

We have been on a retreat this year, while still in the school of the Spirit. We have been sitting at His feet and hope you have too. March is a season of prayer, don’t miss it. Submit to anything God is doing within you this season, don’t resist Him. Be a blessing and stay blessed.

Form 990N has been filed.



Disclaimer: The families being helped are hungry, in despair and needing help, not necessarily Christians. They are HUMAN. We don’t ask what they believe before blessing them with a supply of raw food or resources that will bless them. We make no apologies for extending love to these humans where we can.


#ORLU is back on the map. We aim to reach #ORLU every year according to available resources. We were able to reach out to widows that had no proven source of income. We had a repeat beauty. Mama on our home page keeps smiling, but has a hard story. Her son left for certain reasons and we are praying for a safe and healthy return. Mama has to sweep the streets and beg for sustenance. On learning this, we reached back out after getting bulk food to her and blessed her with a sum that with the rise of inflation in Nigeria- only God knows how far that will go.

We are compiling video recordings to keep on record and the link will be added HERE: . We want to remember the goodness of God and the impact we have been able to see in the lives of these humans. Impact is impact, little or great. An old saying goes- Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean.

We are dropping all the water we can to see impact in peoples lives. We don’t have many donors right now, as we don’t advertise for donations, but we sure can use some. Please go to the donation page and consider becoming a monthly partner.

If you are not able, then pray for us, we sure can use the prayers and encouragement as we push forward.

I always say that if you are motivated to do a thing, don’t look around- start right there. Put a seed in the ground, then discuss the new growth and gather like minds. We are running with what we have and it feels like we are running fast. We just would love to do more. There are needs.

We were able to complete Resume writing sessions this month from the FREE TO YOU community resources. We are pleasantly happy for the growth in this area.

We were able to help a family that serves the community like no other. We were able to help with some resources for shelter. This is not what we do normally, but we have never SEEN (not told) anyone more dedicated to the homeless, the less privileged and the suffering. It was an absolute pleasure and honor to be of use in this area.

We were able to help a widow and her children outside of the push for #ORLU. The help was able to help with food, school fees and other necessities. Here are the little drops that mean a lot to someone out there. We are honored to be useful.

We were able to purchase a pre-owned vehicle for a ministry that helps the community. They take individuals from street to career, training and equipping them in handy skills that turn a profit. They produce seamstresses, Tailors and other trades, teaching them the skills and setting them up with their own businesses. They also feed and encourage the widows and poor in the community. There was a car accident that totaled the main vehicle that was used for this work and the community suffered immediately. We did all we could and were able to come up with the resource for this by grace. We could have done more, but I am encouraged that we were able to do anything at all. We are honored to have been useful here.

We were able to donate toward reopening a community center and worship location that the poor and needy in Dallas gather around. Everyone is welcome here. They come to be fed, encouraged and to have a roof during the day. The children have an escape from trouble and youth have an escape from dangerous attractions. The city demanded repairs on part of the facility that was never used. The cost was too much for such a humble effort. We were not able to scratch the surface of what is needed, but we were able to encourage them. Please keep them in your prayers.

We were able to help an artisan in desperate need to preserve life and sustenance. She was about to lose her shop where she conducts business and needed help. Resources were sent directly to the lady artisan and she is able to continue business as usual without this burden.


We have been so blessed to serve during a Women’s retreat we attended in Florida with Warrior Women’s retreat. It addressed the plight of empowering women and also gave opportunities for one on one sessions. So many were encouraged and helped. Emotional, physical healing process was addressed and we are glad to have been there to serve in any capacity needed.

We were blessed to pay a utility bill for a lady who had serious life situations that kept her from being able to pay this bill. We were honored to lift this burden off her. We are grateful for such opportunities that is outside the space that we operate in.

We were blessed to have served the people of El Salvador-San Salvador, on the streets, at the police station, commissioners office, and so many opportunities to serve their community. We were able to encourage many and speak life. We are grateful for the opportunity.

September was busy, we were able to comfort and speak with a young 12 year old who was dealing with depression- on the plane and at the airport. Her countenance was lifted and we celebrated with her an her mother. Please say hi and look around your sphere of influence to make sure people are okay.

We were able to bless a lady who was at the airport with a free copy of our published book. This blessed her and made her day. The little things matter.

We were glad to serve at the prayer table for Christians engaged. We were able to pray for an encourage the brethren regardless of denomination. Unity is a strong bond.


We were glad to say prayers for the city, state and nation.


We were privileged to support missions work financially with Royal Kingdom Glory Outreach who has been a blessing to us in the work of the kingdom, coming along side us in one of our Bible Study teachings. You can find that teaching in the 3rd week of July 2020- on You Tube.

There is nothing like hearing firsthand from one who spends quality time in the vineyard. First hand experience from one with a heart for Christ is hard to find and we cherish such relationships as the Lord connects us to His own.

We located a Christian Mission school that provided free education to low income children in the community. This is what makes a difference in lives and in communities in our day. They were about to lose the cause which is to reach out to the children in the community who were without education, they were about to lose the location that fed, educated and provided free health care to so many children due to rent money on the building. We are so grateful to have been able to help in what little way we can by reaching out through a trusted ministry. Thank God we were led to reach out. We are grateful to have been part of such a cause even if it were for a minute. Here is the letter sent in by the school founder and some photos of the news broadcast asking for help.


We were privileged to pray for our community and world for 6 hours on the last Sunday of the month as we have been doing this year.

Remember to BE KIND. Be Mindful. The message of Jesus is Love. Love your neighbor today.

How can you do this:

Smile, it can make someones day.

Be generous, with kind words and acts

Check in on someone

Be encouraging

Be kind to yourself. Take care of you.


We have been able to expand our Free To You community resources.

We are here to serve in what capacity we can.

We embarked on and are underway with our Mentoring program. We Mentor.

We have taken on some individuals already and have the capacity to take more.

Career mentoring, Business Mentoring, Life Coaching, and All round Growth. Please reach out via the Contact us page. Set an appointment for 30 minute blocks. We are excited for this new opportunity.


We have selected the month of July to have our free beading class. Please come and learn a new skill or have some fun. We like to offer crafty classes for free when tensions are high, its a way to take your mind off things. Please be stress free. It’s free. Reach out via email to show interest and watch this page for updates.


5/6/22 We are so blessed to have a new Individual on the schedule for career counseling. A mother in the Houston Texas area. See you on Zoom Mrs Raji.

We were able to fund the Generator purchase for a missions Ministry. This ministry equips members of the community in Ibadan, Nigeria and trains individuals in different careers. They assist regardless of religious choices and this is the love of Christ in action. Living Covenant and Grace Mission, we are grateful to partner with you as you bring the light of Christ in the gospel, feeding, training and assisting in the community for WHOSOEVER needs it. We are grateful for Churches that serve the community.

We were able to be a blessing to Royal Kingdom Glory Outreach for their missions travels. This is a ministry who travels to the nations to serve. The word minister means to serve. We are grateful for their impact overseas.

We were able to donate toward a projector used to educate the community and impact lives in a structure where all are welcome.


We are pleased to have served in April in the Free to you community services section with 2 sessions for Career counseling to members of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. Thank you for trusting us with your career questions Mrs Christa.

We are pleased to have the opportunity to charge in a 9 hour prayer for people everywhere. We love to serve the community physically and through prayer. Unity and peace is so important in our day.



There is always a process to a making, and in Christianity- you are never fully made. We are all on a journey in the Lord.

I want to walk you through a documentation of my journey so far. I stay off pictures as much as I can and so there are few photos.

I once learnt that while growing in the Lord, it is of extreme importance to appreciate your present state and live there.

We are often so hungry for the next stage that we miss everything that God is doing NOW.

I am hungry for more, I have seen my yesterdays, but I have never grown so fast as when I stayed fully aware of my present state.

What does that mean?

It means that I’m not bothered about another persons speed or race to the point that I try to compete. It’s ok to appreciate a person in their race, then focus on yours. We are often times derailed when we focus on another persons lane. Its not ours- and ours will be stagnant while we dabble in a lane that CANNOT move us forward.

Stay in your lane, you are not missing out.



But we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

1 cor 1 vs 23-24

Where will you go after this life? Is your salvation secure? Have you made a decision for your eternal soul, or will you allow others make the decision for you?

Believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and confess with your mouth that God raised Him from the dead- you shall be saved.

Salvation is not the end. Sanctification and discipleship follows. Please watch some of our videos to help build you.

Reach out for any questions. We love you no matter who you are or what you have done. Stay blessed. You matter.


We have been in a season of sowing into areas that we intercede for. We are grateful for the opening of this season and we are taking full advantage.


We have identified a Non Profit that celebrates Children who cant afford to celebrate birthdays. They are Blown Away Adventures and are blessing young kids in the community. We are sowing into this generation by celebrating them. We have partnered with Blown Away Adventures to sow into the Children in the month of April, 2022. We are grateful for this opportunity to be a blessing.



We were able to hold the 6 hour intercession. The Lord is our help. Many showed up to stand in the gap. Yes we also prayed concerning the Russia/Ukraine situation.


Form 990N is filed


What do we know about the families that were blessed?

A family sold items, and some of the wares were on the table with the bags of food. One individual approached was a trash collector, one was a random lady walking on the road, one was asking for money to eat on the road there was one other family. Full size bags of rice and garri or cassava which are staples in the country were shared in 5 portions. You need 2 to 4 people that are my size to carry this. Some Onions and tubers of Yam were also apportioned and shared to each of the 5 families. We are grateful.

Most of the communication was assuring them that the food was not meddled with to put them in danger and that their photos will not be used for harm. It is concerning that in the face of hardship, help is still under scrutiny due to the different things that ones eyes see in the community. It is well. Please pray for these families.


Success in ORLU

We hit another minor road block in our mission to Orlu. The security climate is such that people get anxious when given items that are free, though it is needed for survival. Suspicions arise when photos are taken, and so photos were not possible with all the families. While it is not our mission to take photos, it is important to document Gods goodness. It is also important to document where the resources are going for the purposes of accountability and transparency. There was a lot of back and forth transportation for our contact to receive the necessary communication to be able to disperse the resources and that also cost money. Though he was ready to foot the bill for the cause, there was extra funding for this reason. We are eternally grateful to have affected few positively.

The photos are not the best quality, but our hearts are in the right place

This is a young family


We have been able to take mentoring sessions for a number of individuals in the Free To You Community Resources

We hit not a few roadblocks getting resources to ORLU for feeding the needy. Things are underway now and we are grateful.

We were able to hold the 6 hour intercession for the reasons that the Lord gave.

We have located a ministry in Nigeria who needs a power generator for their facility in the rural areas of Ibadan. Their facility houses a church, a labor training area to help careers for free, an area to mobilize Church members to feed the poor regardless of belief and they also help the community in other areas.

We have been able to purchase 2 Bibles and a study book to send to 3 different ministers in Nigeria for deeper Biblical studies in the Hebrew Greek language.

These are called seeds and it is sown into humanity. It is important to know that we are here to serve and service can look like prayer, community service, helping others, mentoring and much more. With the abilities we have in built, and have learned, we aim to serve our communities, far and near.

We were able to sponsor a month with Blown Away Adventures, a non profit that celebrates the birthdays of under priviledged kids every month. Our month is coming up in a few and we will update you when it does.



We were under instruction in the last quarter of 2021 to pray for the people and families of people bearing fruit for God- as led. Part of that instruction was to reach an underserved community in Nigeria. The Lord showed us an Orlu local government area that I am familiar with and we just made contact today to identify families that are starving in that area and have little to no food or means of obtaining sustenance. Keep us in prayer as we stay obedient to this instruction. If you would like to be a part of this, please donate and PRAY for the families and for our contact. We will have photo updates in the gallery soon.

Disclaimer: The families being helped are hungry and needing help, not necessarily Christians. They are HUMAN. We don’t ask what they believe before blessing them with a supply of raw food that will bless them.


On Humanity

I found that most homeless people need a conversation with a person who will just be human for a minute. I was told this by our brothers and sisters living in the street.

“People always bring food, few stop to talk”

Service is in the eyes of the beholder too. Perception matters.



…On Prayer and Intercession

Ezekiel 22 vs 30-31

30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

31 Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord God.

May the Lord never be wanting for a man to stand in the gap amongst us in this generation and age.

Many times, there are situations that can be halted, reduced, or avoided altogether. The issue is a lack of intercessors, inexperienced intercessors or sleeping intercessors. Thats intercessors who are too “busy” to pray.

The intercessors that are more experienced and yielded are so busy, it tells on them.

While its not bad to be productively busy- one must make time to give himself or herself to prayer that is led by the Spirit of God. Let us rise to the task.


Learn by the Spirit of God. Ask Him to train you on intercession.

What do you need to do?

Stay in the Word and meditate on it for understanding and building.

Pray much in tongues.

Be Yielded and stay yielded.

Be available

Practice with other intercessors in the gathering of the brethren at your local church.


…On the “Deeper Christian Life”

We must be built, we just have to be. Do you know that the Holy Spirit is constantly building you till Jesus comes.

It’s true!

Check out Phil 1 vs 6.

6 I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work[a] in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you[b] until the unveiling[c] of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It is very important to be aware of this so that we can yield to His promptings. Lets learn together- how the Spirit of God works with us in different seasons and timings of life. We will all be blessed.

Let’s be yielded as we take in what God is saying in the video resources. I rewatch these videos to “catch” what The Lord would say. I am also learning along with you.