We have now sent out School Supplies, and awarded 4 Scholarships. We are so blessed to serve you in this capacity. Learn, be lifted, encouraged and filled in Jesus name.

The Word that came from Prophet Inesha concerning The School of The Spirit





Welcome to The School of The Spirit

We are under an urgent instruction to equip believers.

This school is not for everyone, even as much as we would like to equip all.

The call goes out to those that God has assignments for and they are not ready.

It is for those that God’s will for their lives is set, but they dont have the training to complete the assignment.

It’s for those who hiding under the “I don’t feel equipped/have the ability” umbrella, those who have a gap that needs equipping to be filled.

We are on assignment to drag you out from under that rock, build you, equip you, get you interactive with Gods ways and in His hands for His use.

We would love to spend time pouring into you, teaching you, strengthening you and releasing you on your path in Gods will.

This call is for all levels, from the I don’t knows, to the I’m strong in most areas, to the I need clarity right this instant on my next steps.

We have online classes, we have impartations, we have mentoring, we have one on one, we have deliverance teachings (yes, you can do deliverance on yourself in most cases), we have the right now will of God to equip you in this season.

This class will be for at least 6 months and it is intensive, as we would love to get you on your way. If you would like to stick around for mentoring after this mandate is over, please reach out for more information.

We will engage you as a class and also individually. We are looking to get you what you need to move forward. These classes are on Saturday mornings, there will also be Q&A. The flyer addresses some topics, we will also pick up topics as the Holy Spirit leads- e.g dreams and interpretations. Some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit- e.g Discerning of Spirits and how to function effectively in them.

You will be required to pray often to sensitize your spirit and you will be given individual plans that suit you- for your spiritual growth. This is not your typical school. If you honestly participate, you will be changed, built, equipped, having stamina, increased capacity, a bank of the Word and much more.

Our desire is that you are not recognizable at the end of our time together, because you have gone from glory to glory.

Here is the application form

